Josh thinks he has nothing to worry about... Keitai Friends - a chapter of Kujira
I still can't help posting these images from Keitai Friends. I have unpublished this story at the moment as it is a chapter of Kujira but I may resurrect it soon as I have had a few positive comments from friends. "Memoirs of a Vending Machine" continues to power on, downloads exceeding all my expectations. I attended a workshop by an author by the name of
John Harmon. He has published several times and is quite well known in the Thriller genre for 'Called to Account', 'Dangerous Assets', 'Money for Nothing' and 'The Bottom Line'. You can view his web page if you click on his name. He has a background in journalism but now does a lot of work as a ghost writer and also conducts workshops on writing. It was good to get some tips from John as he really has the ability to explain in detail the how and what to do of writing without adopting the point of view of some kind of literary deity. I quite liked the guy! We did some great practical work on character development and plotting. I came out of the workshop ready to begin my next novel and couldn't sleep that night as I couldn't shut down my creative brain. Unfortunately, with study commitments, a full time job and a family I have had to put things on hold but watch out for the next novel, paying particular attention to the exciting Arc of the Plot. (when I actually get around to putting it together.) You know all jokes aside, it is pretty good to have this meta - language that enables you to talk about what the hell you are doing with your novel. It gives you focus and helps you put together something that is much better for the reader - who is after all the one you are trying to engage.
BTW: I had a spoiler post a damning review of Memoirs of a Vending Machine, dragging down the rating and making me question my commitment to writing for at least the 100th time. Well... since then, my sales have improved exponentially so bring it on spoiler... make my day...
BTBTW: I am working on a short story at the moment and have tried it out on Wattpad. I've had quite few reads and will provide a link when I have finished it.
Ja mata ne
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